Still searching for a website completely devoted to high quality interactive adult games? Look no further!
You've come to the right place. This site was designed to provide you with the best adult games online.
The free area offers playable demos and a glimpse of what's available in the members area. Take
the tour and learn more about the benefits of being a member. We have now over 800+ games to play with in the
members area!
We created a Frequently Asked Questions section in our members area to provide better support for our existings members and
new members. The FAQ is a compilation of all the questions asked by members over the years. (New members will find this FAQ helpful).
Construction Worker Rachel is back! By popular requests from those who got a taste of her in our strip breakout
bonus game and recently in the crackdown bonus game. This time you will be able to strip her the way you want her
in Strip Poker with Rachel. (only in the members area)
There's a new jigsaw puzzle over at Justice Babes. All
the puzzles on there are full versions. You'll be able to sample the new members only feature. We also posted
a new message board on the site for surfers to contribute ideas. We even revealed some new information about
the secret project. Check it out!
For those who got to play our new Xmas puzzle, you'll notice that we've increased the playing area giving you more
work room to solve the puzzle. We took out the title bar to give you that extra space. We will be
doing a massive update to our Jigsaw Puzzles gallery pretty soon. This is a members feature only.
Winter is coming! Tammy Winters that is! Some of you may have noticed our new Xmas jigsaw puzzle in our Holiday
Games section (members area). Tammy Winters and her friends are santa's helpers this year. Solve her Xmas jigsaw
puzzle, and you'll be rewarded with a present. Open the present for an additional reward image. Thanks to Tammy
Winters for contributing the images. Look for more games with Tammy Winters coming soon!
Happy Thanksgiving! Thanks to all the members and ex-members this past year for making eAdultGames possible.
The staff and I are really thankful for your support. If it wasn't for you guys, this site would not be here today.
Thanks to those fans who have sent in personal email greetings!
We were updating our system's login feature briefly for an hour. Some of you may have gotten a login expiration
message during this brief moment. My apologies for the gliche. The members login should be working properly now.
A whole new concept! We're currently developing a new casino style game system, that allows you to play games and
accumulate "virtual dollars", or credits. Similar to how you play Strip Poker now, but you will be able to leave the game with
your earnings, in which they can be carried over to the next game. Your credits will be stored in your "virtual bank account".
We will post the top players who have accumulated the most. This will also act as a high score. More on this concept
coming soon. Join our members area to check out the prototype and send us feedbacks. Only members will be able
to suggest ideas.
We've done some new updates to JusticeBabes recently.
There's a new free Jigsaw Puzzle (full version!) posted over there as well.
New Site Design! We've updated all of our pages to relect the new look and new menu bar.
MASSIVE UPDATES TO STRIP BLACKJACK!! (Members only) We've received a lot of emails from our female audience telling us that
they are not properly represented by the cartoon fella, Benny. Since we wouldn't want the ladies to feel left out,
we've instructed our graphic artists to draw up a new cartoon character. Introducing... Bonny! Our new Strip Blackjack player.
We've updated our entire Strip Blackjack Games to allow a character selection and include the previously announced changes
and enchancements to improve gameplay. We've been working hard the past months to update all of our strip blackjack games.
In addition to code changes, we've added new images to most of the blackjack games to include new dynamic poses.
We've added more poses to School Girl Tracy, School Girl Jenna Lyte, Baby Doll Karen, Fall Wear Josha, and many others.
(I must say, BabyDoll Karen looks almost like Elizabeth Shue! Imagine that.. Elizabeth Shue naked!!)
We have a special limited time treat this week for members only.
Kayla Marie (CrankyAngel) of Kayla Cam has kindly offered all members of eAdultGames free access into
her members area for a whole week!! Members can go participate in her live video chat tomorrow night and
all of next week. (Note: This free access will expire on 11/16/01) Many thanks to Kayla Marie!
If you're not a member of eAdultGames, now is the time to join! Hurry before this free treat expires.
Just In! We finished Strip Blackjack with Nurse Rachel Ayars.
Rachel Ayars is actually a nursing student in real life
when she's not posing for Playboy! Check her out in our Member's Strip Blackjack Gallery! Don't forget to visit Rachel Ayars' Official Fan Site.
Happy Halloween! Our server upgrade last week was a success! Downtime was less then we expected. As
a free treat- check out Justice Babes
for a new full version Jigsaw Puzzle.
Our site will be temporarily down on Friday morning for server upgrade. The down time will be really short.
2-3 hours probably. We're adding new hardware. New Processors and additional memory. This is your
membership dollars put to good use! I want to thank to all the members who made this site possible over
this past year! This week marks the anniversary date of eAdultGames.com!
Announcing Asia Carrera Strip Poker!! That's right we have finished Strip Poker with Asia Carrera. (A members only game!)
Check out Asia in her school girl outfit! This is the Official Asia Carrera Strip Poker game! Thanks to
Asia Carrera for working with
us in developing this game. I'll have to admit, Asia Carrera really looks a lot like Tia Carrere (the Relic Hunter babe) in our
strip poker game.
The site was temporarily down for unannounced maintenance for a few hours. My apologizes for any inconvenience. On a different note.
We hope to have Asia Carrera Strip Poker ready before the end of the month. We are also working on getting a few new celebrities for
the site as well. We're holding off on announcing them right now, since we don't want to generate any hypes and make any promises
we can't keep. Expect some great stuff coming soon!
We have added 2 new jigsaw puzzles to our puzzle gallery. (puzzle 19, and 101).
Thanks to Kayla Marie of Kayla Cam for providing us with the picture for puzzle 19.
Thanks to Valerie Cox of Naughty Valerie for the picture for puzzle 101.
For those looking for something free to play with, I posted a new Jigsaw Puzzle (full version) over at Justice Babes.