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PostPosted: Tue Jul 27, 2004 5:14 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Nice to hear there -is- a land of the undead.. maybe the cultists could just be "Undead Wannabees" with a few "issues".

Oh, and I had another brainstorm the other day... See, I'm a big, BIG fan of Drow, what with their cool villainous ways, their love of darkness and their spider-fetish. So I got to thinking: why not design my own Drow-like furry race, for use in Vixine and perhaps other settings?

Early design ideas where inspired by furry artist Caroo's "Ware-Mider" creatures (http://us.vclart.net/vcl/Artists/Caroo/mideroutline.jpg), but also by Beast Wars' Black Arachnia (especially her TM2 version): Humanoids with spider-legs jutting out the back, with humanoid/arachnid facial and body traits (like a segmented, soft chitin-covered body, and a face with fanged teeth and eight eyes.) I'd call them Arakhans.

I was also considering making another variety of centauroid Arakhans, with a humanoid upper body with, below the waist, the body of a large spider. I figured they could be a "noble" or "clerical" caste amongst the Arakhans..

To be sure, however, Arakhans would have a lot more features then regular furs: clinging, web-spinning, venomous bites, multiple limbs/centauroid... and that would just be the physical basics..

Still just in early design stages on this, though.
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PostPosted: Tue Jul 27, 2004 10:43 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Nice to hear there -is- a land of the undead.. maybe the cultists could just be "Undead Wannabees" with a few "issues".

Kinda like the "Vampires" that crowd the gaming cons? Very Happy (Just kidding)

Early design ideas where inspired by furry artist Caroo's "Ware-Mider" creatures (http://us.vclart.net/vcl/Artists/Caroo/mideroutline.jpg), but also by Beast Wars' Black Arachnia (especially her TM2 version): Humanoids with spider-legs jutting out the back, with humanoid/arachnid facial and body traits (like a segmented, soft chitin-covered body, and a face with fanged teeth and eight eyes.) I'd call them Arakhans.

Weird... they sound like the anthro-spider from my old webcomic "Paws For Thought" (don't bother looking for it, it's gone). "Great minds think alike", hmmmm? Laughing

Hey, between the Amazon Mice, the Warren (what's that? It's a se-cret... Very Happy ), the Goblins and the new subterranean race, not to mention the Dragons and many other critters, the depths of Auris are gonna become quite crowded! But then, the more the merrier...
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PostPosted: Tue Jul 27, 2004 6:34 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Martin wrote:
Kinda like the "Vampires" that crowd the gaming cons? Very Happy (Just kidding)

Actually, yeah. Wink Also inspired by Warcraft III's Cult of the Dead, cultists who actually -want- to become undead.. But the whole "goth vampire-wannabees" thing sounds absolutly perfect. Especially if you've seen SNL's "Goth Show" skits...

Weird... they sound like the anthro-spider from my old webcomic "Paws For Thought" (don't bother looking for it, it's gone). "Great minds think alike", hmmmm? Laughing

Yeah, I remember that webcomic. Yours had six arms, didn't it?

Hey, between the Amazon Mice, the Warren (what's that? It's a se-cret... Very Happy ), the Goblins and the new subterranean race, not to mention the Dragons and many other critters, the depths of Auris are gonna become quite crowded! But then, the more the merrier...

Speaking of Goblins.. An idea from TSR's old Birthright setting and reused in Sword and Sorcery's "Relics and Rituals: Excalibur" book was to have the Monster Manual's Goblins, Hobgoblins and Bugbears represent a single race of Goblins, only seperated into "sub-breeds" of it, just as mastiffs and terriers are different breeds of dogs. Personally, I've used this explanation for goblins in my own homebrewed campaign, since it allows goblins to be more consistent: Rather then having tribes of mixed goblinoids with Bugbears ruling Goblins or Hobgoblins bossing around Bugbears, just call'em all Goblins and say the bigger ones are in charge...

Oh yeah, forgot to say it before, but my dragoness villain (the masochist one) is a personal dragon design, an acid dragon. Basically they spit acid, and have acid blood which deals 1 point of damage to any weapon which draws their blood.. How does that work for you?
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PostPosted: Wed Jul 28, 2004 11:58 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Especially if you've seen SNL's "Goth Show" skits...

Nope, what's SNL? You mean Saturday Night Live? (keep in mind that I'm italian... we don't get that Sad )

just call'em all Goblins and say the bigger ones are in charge...

Well, in the "world of Vixine" there is only one kind of goblin... the small purple obnoxious kind. So I guess you'll get no trouble sorting them out Very Happy

Oh yeah, forgot to say it before, but my dragoness villain (the masochist one) is a personal dragon design, an acid dragon. Basically they spit acid, and have acid blood which deals 1 point of damage to any weapon which draws their blood.. How does that work for you?

Well, sounds like you played Rolemaster a few times (all dragons there have acid blood). Still, it's good (although it beefs dragons even more Very Happy )!
By the way, I was thinking of pulling a new Feat or two out of that... Something like "Corrupted" and "Virtuous". You know, stuff that gives powers (and drawbacks) in exchange for adherence to an alignment. Or maybe add her as yet another Dragon subrace... Dragonesses are cool, after all. And sexy. And powerful. And Sexy. And versatile. Oh, and did I mention they're sexy? Very Happy Wink
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PostPosted: Thu Jul 29, 2004 5:18 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Martin wrote:
Especially if you've seen SNL's "Goth Show" skits...

Nope, what's SNL? You mean Saturday Night Live? (keep in mind that I'm italian... we don't get that Sad )

Oh, sorry, forgot about that. Yeah, it's from Saturday Night Live: it was a skit series about a pair of really pathetic goths (who still lived with their respective parents) who were hosts of a community access show for Goths... However it was hosted from the guy's family's home, and his jock big brother was often coming in to disrupt things.. Not to mention the fact the Goths were wimps and their attempts at being "Dark, Brooding and Mysterious" often ended up making them look ridiculous..

Well, in the "world of Vixine" there is only one kind of goblin... the small purple obnoxious kind. So I guess you'll get no trouble sorting them out Very Happy

Oh well, guess I'll keep my Goblin idea to myself, then.

Well, sounds like you played Rolemaster a few times (all dragons there have acid blood). Still, it's good (although it beefs dragons even more Very Happy )!
By the way, I was thinking of pulling a new Feat or two out of that... Something like "Corrupted" and "Virtuous". You know, stuff that gives powers (and drawbacks) in exchange for adherence to an alignment. Or maybe add her as yet another Dragon subrace... Dragonesses are cool, after all. And sexy. And powerful. And Sexy. And versatile. Oh, and did I mention they're sexy? Very Happy Wink

Yes, but it deserves more mention. SEXY SEXY SEXY DRAGONS! Very Happy
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PostPosted: Sat Jul 31, 2004 10:20 am    Post subject: Just a thought... Reply with quote

Regarding the corrupt vs. virtuous deal for the RPG...if you'd like an idea of how that might work, you could try "Knights of the Old Republic" for Xbox or PC (it's basically an RPG set in the Star Wars universe). There are Force Powers that have different "Force" costs, depending on what your alignment is (Light vs. Dark); also, there are items that only benefit characters of a certain alignment, and some very cool stat or skill benefits that come from being completely Light or completely Dark. Just an idea that might be worth checking out.
Don't march to the beat of a different drummer; learn to play the drums.
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PostPosted: Sat Jul 31, 2004 11:50 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Regarding the corrupt vs. virtuous deal for the RPG...if you'd like an idea of how that might work, you could try "Knights of the Old Republic" for Xbox or PC (it's basically an RPG set in the Star Wars universe). There are Force Powers that have different "Force" costs, depending on what your alignment is (Light vs. Dark); also, there are items that only benefit characters of a certain alignment, and some very cool stat or skill benefits that come from being completely Light or completely Dark. Just an idea that might be worth checking out.

Thanks for pointing that out Smile although I wouldn't have to stray THAT far... you know, the very same deal applies in D&D: there are weapons that are awesome in the hand of good people, and worthless (or even harmful) in the hand of evil (and vice versa); also, evil spells zonk out a paladin's powers, while good spells make a blackguard (evil paladin)'s abilities go on the fritz. Plus, on a supplement appeared "Faith FEATs" that literally work miracles for the right man.
Still, I'll check that out: sounds fun! (Hopefully, my PC will be good enough... I don't have an X-Box) Very Happy

Actually, though, I was thinking more of PHYSICAL changes induced by someone's alignment... You know, an evil fella getting fangs and glowy eyes (and a vulnerability to holy sites and Smiting attacks), or a good fella gaining a halo and ethereal wings (and, of course, a vulnerability to unholy sites and Smiting attacks... No such thing as a free meal, as they say Laughing ). In short, something kinda like the embodied interest of a divinity: kinda like becoming just short of an Avatar.
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PostPosted: Sun Aug 01, 2004 1:03 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Well, for Dorn Laguare, I used the "Evil Brand" feat to represent his corrupt appearance. But another series of Vile feats could represent such "alterations" as well. The Deformity Feats. Just change the theme from "self-mutilation" to "Dark Mutation" and you get the same effect, really.

For exemple:
Dark Mutation [Evil]
Your body has been cosmetically altered through mutation by your allegiance to Supernatural Evil, marking you as a sinister and fiersome being.
Benefit: You gain a +2 Mutation bonus to Intimidate checks
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PostPosted: Sun Aug 01, 2004 3:22 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Well, for Dorn Laguare, I used the "Evil Brand" feat to represent his corrupt appearance. But another series of Vile feats could represent such "alterations" as well. The Deformity Feats. Just change the theme from "self-mutilation" to "Dark Mutation" and you get the same effect, really.

For exemple:
Dark Mutation [Evil]
Your body has been cosmetically altered through mutation by your allegiance to Supernatural Evil, marking you as a sinister and fiersome being.
Benefit: You gain a +2 Mutation bonus to Intimidate checks

Sounds fine! Although, frankly, I'd add a -1 to Looks... a fella that turns ugly to show he's evil won't win any beauty contests anytime soon Very Happy

You know, I wonder what a non-ugly evil mutation would look like... (you turn an elf black, you get a drow... but if you turn a bunny black, you get a fluffy black bunny Very Happy )
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PostPosted: Sun Aug 01, 2004 8:45 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Ok.. Here's a report from my continuing Vixine game.. Having no prepared scenarios for last session (busy day beforehand), I just decided to build a Small City using the DM's Guide, then I decided to try a little scenario called "Drop you guys in the middle of a Small City and see what mayhem you can get yourselves into..."

And I wasn't disappointed. They immediatly split up, the Orcess going to rent a room for her and the others (and a spot in the stables for the large, uncooth battlerager), while the sexy Bunny cleric went to the prudish temple of Nersahil, the wolf ranger went to find a "Knockers" Inn (think Medieval Hooters, with waitresses who have "Milk-Producing"), and the Half-Ogre Battlerager and his small Fennec Bard buddy encountered a cute pair of Mink girls who tried seducing them..

...To make a long story short, the Mink Girls ended up being pick-pocket wannabees who got found out before they could steal anything, then ran off before the Battlerager could "punish" them appropriatly. Meanwhile, Shauntea the Orc Cleric met up with Mikiko at the temple, where they both discovered the "prudish" clerics of that town weren't nearly as prudish as they originally seemed.. ...think Monty Python's "Castle Anthrax".. Wink

That's about it for that session, really. Nothing grand or epic, but plenty of fun rp moments...

Edit: Oh yeah, forgot to add... At the end, Bahdax the Battlerager got convinced by his bard buddy to finally get himself cleaned.. So he went to a public bath, where he was met by a toga-wearing fox who "swished" him into the bath saying "Some people might slit their wrists in desperation at the sight of you.. but I like a challenge, big boy.." ....A little bit of Queer Eye for the... Well, Bahdax isn't straight as much as trisexual... He'll Tri anything... Rolling Eyes
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PostPosted: Sun Aug 01, 2004 11:01 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Ok.. Here's a report from my continuing Vixine game.. Having no prepared scenarios for last session (busy day beforehand), I just decided to build a Small City using the DM's Guide, then I decided to try a little scenario called "Drop you guys in the middle of a Small City and see what mayhem you can get yourselves into..."

Classic, but never old Very Happy

...To make a long story short, the Mink Girls ended up being pick-pocket wannabees who got found out before they could steal anything, then ran off before the Battlerager could "punish" them appropriatly.

Tch, tch... That'll teach them to skip practice Laughing

Meanwhile, Shauntea the Orc Cleric met up with Mikiko at the temple, where they both discovered the "prudish" clerics of that town weren't nearly as prudish as they originally seemed.. ...think Monty Python's "Castle Anthrax"..

True to Nesahil's spirit... "pure in the soul, wild everywhere else" Very Happy (hey, she's relatively young... just a few tens of thousands of years! Laughing )

Edit: Oh yeah, forgot to add... At the end, Bahdax the Battlerager got convinced by his bard buddy to finally get himself cleaned.. So he went to a public bath, where he was met by a toga-wearing fox who "swished" him into the bath saying "Some people might slit their wrists in desperation at the sight of you.. but I like a challenge, big boy.." ....A little bit of Queer Eye for the... Well, Bahdax isn't straight as much as trisexual... He'll Tri anything...

"Queer eye for the straight guy", was it? (not got THAT show either)
Although Bahdax's gonna get treated to a little "Gay foxie for the big Battlerager", it seems Very Happy
Well, since he does deserve a little "reward" for his necro spot of last time, how about getting him cleaned, naked and in the foxie's understuff... and then having everyone else barge in, at completely inappropriate moments, one at a time or all together? Twisted Evil
Nothing like having your friends walk in, in the style of the Marx Brothers' "A night at the Opera" (remember the ship cabin gag?), to keep a friendship healthy Very Happy

By the way, what happenned to the draconess?
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PostPosted: Mon Aug 02, 2004 5:38 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Martin wrote:
By the way, what happenned to the draconess?

Oh, I decided that while she had fun with them, she ditched them as soon as possible to try and find Dorn's ghost again...
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PostPosted: Sun Aug 08, 2004 5:42 am    Post subject: Newsflash! Reply with quote

Started working today on the Beta version of the RPG, modified to accomodate the suggestions and a few other ideas I had in the meantime. Looks good, for now...
At the moment, I'm building on the Character Creation section; later I'll try to make a wider and better Geography/Society chapter, complete with details on the religions of Auris and the various personalities. Of course, that will make the new version quite larger...

Now, two questions (aimed primarily at RomLoneWolf23K and his team):
1)I was thinking of adding credits where due (given that I've used quite a bit of Rom's suggestions and the like). Mind if I do that?
2)I was thinking of adding a new prestige class, "Vampire" (the only class you gain by being killed Very Happy ). Think it'd work?

Enough news, back to work for me! Very Happy
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PostPosted: Mon Aug 09, 2004 1:08 pm    Post subject: Re: Newsflash! Reply with quote

Martin wrote:
Started working today on the Beta version of the RPG, modified to accomodate the suggestions and a few other ideas I had in the meantime. Looks good, for now...
At the moment, I'm building on the Character Creation section; later I'll try to make a wider and better Geography/Society chapter, complete with details on the religions of Auris and the various personalities. Of course, that will make the new version quite larger...

Now, two questions (aimed primarily at RomLoneWolf23K and his team):
1)I was thinking of adding credits where due (given that I've used quite a bit of Rom's suggestions and the like). Mind if I do that?
2)I was thinking of adding a new prestige class, "Vampire" (the only class you gain by being killed Very Happy ). Think it'd work?

Enough news, back to work for me! Very Happy

I'd be honored by the credits, as would my team, thank you very much.

And a Vampire Prestige Class sounds very good, honestly. If it involves slowly developping vampire powers over time, I guess I might swipe it and convert it to regular D&D, for use with Green Ronin's Vampire Scion template race. And as long as we're talking vampires, are they the only Bats on Auris?

Oh, and I guess I might as well report on the last Vixine gaming session my group's going to have for a while, since next week we're going back to my classic campaign: Basically, the males (and doppelganger) of the group met up after Bahdax got cleaned up to a semi-presentable form (the two female players were absent) and found the two mink rogue girls again, while they were getting beat up by their pimp, a Displacer Beast rogue. Basically, after a mid-length battle, they whooped his ass, and our team's fennec bard ended up becoming the girls new pimp...

This sparked a pretty funny comment session on how, in other campaigns, heroes gain experience and treasure, but in Vixine, you can start pimping... "It's just a different kind of booty", one said.

Next week, we're going back to my homebrewed campaign world after a long hiatus, but we're planning on having fun in the Vixine world again. Maybe after the Beta comes out.

Oh, and one of my players commented on how it might be nice if the character creation rules for the Vixine world were semi-compatible with the rest of the PHB, at least for racial creation.

Keep up the good work, Martin
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PostPosted: Mon Aug 09, 2004 1:25 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

I'd be honored by the credits, as would my team, thank you very much.

I'll try to make them suitable then Very Happy

And a Vampire Prestige Class sounds very good, honestly. If it involves slowly developping vampire powers over time, I guess I might swipe it and convert it to regular D&D, for use with Green Ronin's Vampire Scion template race. And as long as we're talking vampires, are they the only Bats on Auris?

No, but the other bats have normal eyes (instead of red glowing ones) and usually don't drop like logs, fast asleep, if they're touched by the sun's rays (I thought that "death by sun" would seriously limit a player...)
Of course, some peasants tend to mistake normal bats for vampires and vice versa.

Oh, and have fun on your campaign!

Oh, and one of my players commented on how it might be nice if the character creation rules for the Vixine world were semi-compatible with the rest of the PHB, at least for racial creation.

What does he (she?) mean? I thought that the "racial building" was the only significant difference... I gotta admit, I'm confused.
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PostPosted: Mon Aug 09, 2004 7:35 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

What does he (she?) mean? I thought that the "racial building" was the only significant difference... I gotta admit, I'm confused.

Well, he said that all the FLFs were unbalancing, but I and others agreed that First Level Feats really replace what would otherwise be racial features like "no sleep and immunity to sleep effects"
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PostPosted: Mon Aug 09, 2004 10:49 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Well, he said that all the FLFs were unbalancing, but I and others agreed that First Level Feats really replace what would otherwise be racial features like "no sleep and immunity to sleep effects"

Correct... and they also include changes in the original Ability scores. Mind you, the FLFs are open to misuse... but then so are most "high versatility" systems (ever seen a powergamer wring every single iota of power he can from a character creation system? Shocked I have. That's why I included the "all creations require the approval of the DM" clause... Wink )
As an aside, I did build the character creation system to fit in a slight "over the top" power level... they're supposed to be cartoony characters, after all! Very Happy But, if that can make your friend feel better, it's true that they have access to powerful FLFs... but it's also true that YOU do so as well! Twisted Evil Think about it...
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PostPosted: Sun Sep 05, 2004 6:06 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Haven't seen much of an update here. Busy working on the project? In any case, I've had a question: Would it possible to give exemples of creating races using the FLF system, via "classics" like catgirls and wolfmen, with optional suggestions for simulating PHB races like Elves, Dwarves, etc?
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PostPosted: Wed Sep 08, 2004 4:24 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Haven't seen much of an update here. Busy working on the project? In any case, I've had a question: Would it possible to give exemples of creating races using the FLF system, via "classics" like catgirls and wolfmen, with optional suggestions for simulating PHB races like Elves, Dwarves, etc?

Well, I'm sorry to disappoint you, Rom... you see, while I did work on the Beta Version quite a bit, the main reason why I didn't post was because I took a much needed vacation: I was literally burned out to the core.
Racial creation examples and optional "Standard Race FLFs", eh? Well, let me think about it...

[suspenceful pause]

Very Happy Consider it done! Very Happy

Heh Very Happy Sorry 'bout that, I came back in a jolly, humorous mood! Laughing
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PostPosted: Sat Sep 11, 2004 8:57 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Martin wrote:
Haven't seen much of an update here. Busy working on the project? In any case, I've had a question: Would it possible to give exemples of creating races using the FLF system, via "classics" like catgirls and wolfmen, with optional suggestions for simulating PHB races like Elves, Dwarves, etc?

Well, I'm sorry to disappoint you, Rom... you see, while I did work on the Beta Version quite a bit, the main reason why I didn't post was because I took a much needed vacation: I was literally burned out to the core.
Racial creation examples and optional "Standard Race FLFs", eh? Well, let me think about it...

[suspenceful pause]

Very Happy Consider it done! Very Happy

Heh Very Happy Sorry 'bout that, I came back in a jolly, humorous mood! Laughing

No problem. Beats coming back with a sore, bitchy mood.. *rimshot*
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