Ronald Forum Admin

Joined: 18 Oct 2003 Posts: 3670
Posted: Sat May 10, 2008 9:12 pm Post subject: The Howard Stern Show for June 29, 2005 |
I saw a rerun of this episode once. Kind of cool to see some girls appearing on the show....
Jamie Lynn, Ashley Roberts and Ginger Jolie.
This article was taken from Howard Stern website.
The Howard Stern Show for June 29, 2005
This morning Artie talked about running into Ant, (the comedian who sat in on the news yesterday), after the show and walking with him for 10 blocks. For most of the time Artie said Ant was playing with his cell phone/email thing that everyone seems to have these days - everyone except him. Howard asked if it looked like his Treo, but Artie said it looked more like a pager so they figured it might be a Blackberry. Robin mentioned that it could have also been a Sidekick which she sees a lot of people use and said it slides open to reveal a keyboard. Robin even thought she had seen people wearing the thing around their neck like a necklace. Howard said he was learning all about the great things he can do with his phone - although he still hasn't figured out how to send the pictures he takes with it to other people. He said he heard an ingenious use for the camera phone the other day; if you always forget where you park your car, snap a picture of the parking lot section you are in with the phone, then you look it up when it's time to leave. Howard said his phone, aside from being able to take pictures and get email, has great coverage, even when Beth's phone doesn't.
Howard took a call from a woman up in Maine who thought she had fallen in love with Howard because he's been showing up in her dreams a lot lately. Howard asked how old she was and how much she weighed. She said she was 40 and "none of your business," no matter how much he pushed her, although she did admit to having a few extra pounds. She also complained that she didn't think Fred talked enough on the air, so Fred spoke up for a little while, making fun of her "few extra pounds." Howard talked about going to visit family in Maine years ago and recalled how he almost went to work up there after college. Artie remembers (sort of) doing a gig in Maine once and falling asleep on a picnic table and waking up to a beautiful morning. Robin said she would have to go visit sometime. The caller said she listens to Howard on a station called "The Bone" and Howard said hello to all of his "Bone" listeners. She said it was a nice station, but thought they would be in trouble once Howard moved to SIRIUS. Howard said he had heard some rumors that they might be let out of their contracts in the fall and had heard some plausible explanations to support this. He said it had something to do with rating periods, advertising revenues and the like. Fred didn't think this explanation made sense though and thought the company would lose money if they let them go early. Howard said it really did make sense to him, although he did not believe the company would let them go early. Despite this, Howard talked a little about what he thought the first day at SIRIUS would be like. The caller wondered if creativity would suffer when they went to a free-er environment. Howard used his Chris Rock analogy saying that just like Chris is really funny on HBO where he can say whatever he wants, this show will be much better when they can say and do whatever they want too. He said it wasn't really about being crude for the sake of being crude, rather it was about being able to be free. Howard switched his attention back to the caller, asking her when she last had sex. Howard guessed correctly that it was about 5 years ago. He said it was no wonder she was dreaming about him.
Howard again mentioned that this Friday would be the final taping of the E! Show and said that they had originally planned on having a drinking show in its honor. Artie said he was out to dinner with some of the E! guys and thought it was amazing how much they loved their jobs. He said you never hear about people loving their jobs in this day and age. Gary came in and said the drinking show was in jeopardy because they had gotten a memo from E! saying that drinking during work was against company policy and therefore, employees were forbidden from participating in any drinking show. Howard thought this was ridiculous and believed that this note came straight from the head of the E! Channel, Ted Harbert. Howard said he had a lot to say about Ted, but needed to wait a few weeks before he did so.
Howard wished station manager, Tom Chiusano a happy 58th birthday this morning. Tom came in to thank him and Artie noted that, at only 37, he looked to be about the same age as Tom. Artie wanted to know what Tom was doing when he was born in 1967. This led to some funny Robo-Tom statements from Fred. Real Tom said he was almost drafted into the army, but got out of it by going to college. Howard mentioned he had seen a picture of Bob Geldof the other day and thought he looked really old. He said the surprising thing was that Bob was the same age as him, but looked older than Tom. He told Tom to take care of himself. Tom said he once thought of dyeing his hair, but figured it was too late at this point. He did say a bartender recently asked him how old he was and was surprised by the answer, saying that she thought he was much younger.
Mark McGrath and Craig "DJ Homicide" Bullock of Sugar Ray stopped by today to promote the release of their "Greatest Hits" album featuring the hit single, "Psychedelic Bee", which you may recall was originally written and performed by the then 11-year-old, Howard Stern. Mark, who is a long time fan of the show, said it was kind of sad in there knowing that the E! guys would be finishing up their 11 year run soon. Howard asked how Mark was doing on "Extra" and he said he really loved it. Howard said he was always amazed at how self-effacing the whole band was. They never really thought they were as good as they really were. Howard mentioned that Craig was also with Mark this morning, but that he never knew what to call him. Craig said he was going by Craig this morning. Howard wanted to know why a guy in such a successful band would go out and get a job on TV. Mark said their last album didn't do so great so he was just covering his bets. He said they still often perform live when he's on hiatus and joked that they'll play anywhere he could smell churros cooking. He said the last place they played a guy named Bobby Badfingers, (he snaps his fingers), opened for them and got called back for an encore. Howard asked the guys why they chose to put "Psychedelic Bee" on their album and Mark explained how Howard had helped get them started when they were struggling and this was his way of repaying him. Howard talked about how he figured he would earn about 85 cents per album and wondered how many albums the guys thought they'd sell. Mark said Howard could probably expect to make about $100,000. Howard liked that.
Howard asked Mark how he got his TV job. Mark said he had no idea. One day he was on a tour bus, the next day he was on TV. He said an "Extra" producer had seen him on some MTV show and asked him to come in to do some auditions and the next thing he knew he was hired. Howard thought that must piss off a lot of people who put in years of school and on the job experience to get to that point. Mark agreed. He said he makes a pretty good living doing this, plus the money he makes from Sugar Ray makes for a good life and he knows he is very lucky. Howard asked what his day was like and Mark described how he goes to his office and doesn't do much more than get funny emails from Craig all day. Howard asked Craig what he was doing these days and Craig said most recently he's been taking care of his mother who had a stroke. Howard asked about the girls Mark's been dating and Mark admitted that he was back together with his longtime girlfriend. He said he's done some stupid stuff in the past and was lucky to have her back. He's working on keeping her now. Howard tried to get Mark to name some of the girls he's dated, but Mark wouldn't budge. Towards the end of the interview, Mark asked Howard what he thought of their remake of "Psychedelic Bee". Howard said he loved it and offered up one of his other 6th grade songs, "Silver Nickels and Golden Dimes". Howard said it was a very deep song about a hooker. Mark thought it sounded like a British Invasion tune from the 60s. Howard gave the guys a plug for their "Greatest Hits" album in stores now and at THE REALLY FANTASTIC FOUR
In a promotion for the upcoming release of "The Fantastic Four" (in theaters July 8th) Howard had $10,000 to give away and he did it in the best way possible?he had 4 Penthouse Pets in this morning to compete in a talent show for the cash (all of whom are also in the running for Penthouse Pet of the Year)! The four pets were Cassia Riley, Ashley Roberts, Jamie Lynn and Ginger Jolie and everyone agreed they were fantastic. The girls gave us a little bit of their exploits while Gary prepared his burka. They are all staying in the same hotel and they love to hang out together. They normally go out together and flirt with other guys, but almost always end up coming home alone. Last night they were all hanging out in the hotel room and Ginger read them the erotic story she had written for Howard. The story was so hot that they all started getting undressed, kissing each other and fooling around! And just talking about it made the girls start to get topless and touch each other right there in the studio! Needless to say everyone was in awe (and aroused)?
And now on to the contest!
As part of the contest each girl would show off their own special talent. First up was Ginger Jolie who would be reading another erotic story. If you remember, the last time Ginger was on the show she made out with Victoria Zdrock so we were very happy to see her again. Ginger was Penthouse Pet of the Month in the September 2004 issue and recently broke up with her 46-year-old boyfriend. She now just wants to go out and have as much fun as possible with the girls. She mentioned that she would sometimes bring other girls into bed with her boyfriend and Howard wondered what the hell this guy was thinking losing her. She then read her story which was a hot story featuring her, Howard, leather and some major spanking. Howard eventually told her to stop because the story was driving him nuts.
The next contestant was Cassia Riley. Cassia has natural breasts (as did all the other girls) and is dating a guy in a band right now. Like Ginger, she occasionally will bring other girls into their bed for her man. Cassia once dated the singer, Everlast, but said she did not bring other girls into bed with them. Everlast was a fairly nice guy, but didn't appreciate her enough. For her talent, Cassia was going to explain to everyone why Penthouse Pets were better than beer. Despite a noble effort, her list didn't really make much sense so Howard told her to go make out with one of the other girls?which she did.
Next up was Jamie Lynn, who announced that she wanted to move into real estate after she got done with her modeling career. Jaime is single, was the January 2005 Penthouse Pet and has also done some girl and girl soft porn. For her talent, Jaime read a poem dedicated to Howard. One guy called in and said the poem was pretty lame and then another guy called in and said he absolutely loved it. Howard really couldn't argue with the poem at that point, because all the girls were topless and were touching each other.
Our final contestant was Ashley Roberts was currently dating a guy who had a serious illness. For some reason her boyfriend would not have a lot of sex with her! Ashley is a drop dead knock-out, but would only normally get sex for her man about once a week, (for some reason the guy would rather play video games). Howard said not to worry; he'd take her to the bathroom and finish her off. For Ashley's talent she was going to do a bit of a comedy routine topless. The routine was mostly blonde jokes and Ralph "the mouth" Cirella called in to say that most of these routines were boring unless the girl's were making out.
Howard said that all the girls were gorgeous and it was going to be really tough to pick a winner. Our resident porn expert, Richard Christy came in to say that Ginger had some crazy hair going on "down there," but when she quickly dropped her panties in defense, we could see that it wasn't that wild. Here's how the voting broke down:
- Robin: Jaime Lynn because she liked her poem and this was after all a "talent" show.
- Howard: Ginger Jolie. He said it was really tough because all the girls were smoking hot. He narrowed it down to Cassia because he wanted to jump on top of her and Ginger because he wanted to go into the bathroom and "finish off." In the end he chose Ginger.
- Artie: Cassia Riley. Artie said he was going to base his vote on the girl whose poem he could block out if he was watching a Yankee's game - that girl was Cassia.
- Fred: Jamie Lynn. Fred thought all the girls were pretty poor talent wise so he chose Jamie because she had the biggest cans.
- Gary: Cassia Riley. Gary also thought the actual "talents" were pretty poor so he had to pick the girl he wanted to do the most - Cassia was it.
And the winner is?a tie! Both Jaime and Cassia both got two votes so they were forced to go into a sudden death overtime match to decide the winner.
Unfortunately, at first, the guys couldn't come up with a good contest for Cassia and Jaime to compete in to decide the winner. Gange came in and said that they should have to do jumping jacks, but Jaime had way bigger jugs than Cassia so that wasn't fair. Doug Goodstein suggested that they see who could fit the most pair of hands on her breasts, but again, this was not fair to Cassia. Richard Christy suggested lap dances, but in the end the guys decided on Gary's idea: have both girls get completely naked and pose - then we could just vote on who looked better. However, this was an incredibly difficult decision to make. Howard didn't know who to pick, (he wanted to pick Ashley, but she wasn't in the finals). In the end, Robin, Artie and Gary picked Cassia and Howard and Fred picked Jaime, making Cassia our $10,000 winner! Howard thanked all the girls again for being fantastic contestants and really great sports and gave their websites a plug.
Check out: and
Howard welcomed long time guest, and former Win John's Job contestant, Yucko the Clown, in to sit in on the news. Howard played a clip from Yucko's upcoming MTV2 show called "Stankervision". In these clips, Yucko heads down to Cancun to insult kids out enjoying spring break. He calls one girl a babe, and when she thanks him, he tells her that he meant the babe in that movie about the pig who goes to live in the city. Howard laughed because Yucko could really get away with murder while wearing that costume. Yucko agreed, to a point, as he was once beaten up by a crazy woman in New Orleans. Howard asked why MTV2 changed the name of his show from "The Damn Show" to "Stankervision", but Yucko wasn't really sure what the reason was. All he knew was that they were giving him his own show which premieres on July 8th on MTV2, so as far as he was concerned, they could call it whatever they wanted. Howard and Yucko started talking about the Penthouse Pets. Yucko was complaining about what they had to say, but Howard reminded him that when naked girls start talking about going back to their hotel room and fooling around with each other it just doesn't matter what they sound like. Artie agreed. Yucko also complained that Tom had edited one of his bits that mentioned the word nipples. He complained that this just wasn't the show he first visited 4 years ago. Gary came in to say they had also hit the delay on Ginger's erotic story, despite the fact they had gotten the whole thing cleared by Tom in advance. Tom came in to defend his actions and got into a shouting match with Yucko. Yucko called Tom all kinds of names and Tom reminded Yucko that he once did a bit in which he said he was pedophile. Yucko yelled at Tom that it was just a BIT and wasn't real, then he told him to get out of the studio. It was right around this time that Robin started in on her news.
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