Zombie Rank: Junior Member

Joined: 13 Feb 2005 Posts: 125
Posted: Sat Jun 12, 2021 10:59 pm Post subject: Wow, a lot has changed and definitely an end of an era... |
Hello all, I wonder if anyone ever stumbles onto these forums hoping there has been a post from the lovely Alley or some news, but it's been dead quiet for a long long time. Even for me my last update was in 2018.
I know my posts can be long, so I'll make it quick. Life has been good. I managed to get back on my feet and doing better than I have in a long, long, very long time. I'm even the main boss or head person of the post I work at and manage all the other workers. Funny how I never wanted to be in a supervisor type of role. I was always just wanting to be a regular worker, go in, do my job and just worry about me and the job... Maybe that's why I ended up doing so good? It was the owners and my bosses that all felt I was best for the job as the other person that was in charge was leaving. So I accepted and it's been great.
I really hope everything has worked out for Alley and he family as well. I always saw her more than just a model. I hope she is doing what she has always wanted and everything worked out for her brother.
All my kids are at least 18 now. My youngest turned 18 this year. What a journey it has been and it's still going...
So to everyone, I really hope life has treated you all well and if things have been rough or getting rough. Hang in there, it gets better. Just stay positive and keep trying. Things will eventually work out, but you have to do your part as well. You can't expect others to do everything for you.
If you've followed my posts and updates, you'll see I've been up and done, but I think I've always looked forward and kept at it, even when times were the lowest and I wanted to give up. Hang in there, it'll eventually work out... Life is funny like that and sometimes we are supposed to fall in order to learn to get back up and be stronger from it...
So this might be my final post, I might be talking to myself? Either way, I'll see you all later and will still check these forums for as long as they are up. Even if Alley doesn't respond to us anymore, then hopefully she'll at least read these someday and know we all wish her the best and appreciate the work she's done.
Take care and catch ya'll in another life or in the future? Never know where life takes us...
Peace, love, and chicken grease 😁
Thank you....
Jake _________________